How to get more Double Coupons

Got this email last night,

Question: How do you get more than 1 set of doubles when they come on Wednesdays?

Answer: Well most the time doubles come on Sunday and if you get the A Thrifty Mom paper deal with the Statesman or the Tribune, you will have lots of extra doubles.  BUT when they come on Wednesday most of us only get one…so that does bring up the question as to how to get more.

  • Ask your neighbors, most my neighbors get the paper….and they are more than happy to give the Albertsons ad.
  • Ask for extras at the store….each store is a little different, some you will need to ask customer service, others the cashiers will have them.
  • Ask your co-workers, friends family
  • Look for the FREE weekly paper that comes to some areas from the Tribune or the Statesman.  They toss it once a week,  most the time it has an Albertsons ad in them.  Last year I have several empty houses on my street that got the weekly paper, I was happy to pick them up for the extra doubles….plus it helped keep the street clean.  My new Neighborhood does not get this free paper….so it varies by area.

In following these examples above I am normally able to get all the doubles I want….it may take a little bit of work, but worth my time!

What are your ideas on how to get extra double coupons?

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