This week I did spend a little more than normal, but that is because I stocked up on pork for the next 6 months!
I was able to buy $268.86 worth of items
But because I waited for these items to come on sale, and matched them with coupon
I only paid $66.95
Plus I still have $40 in catalina coupons to use like cash
Walgreens $1.76 for details click here
Winco $32.54 for details click here
Walgreens $2.96 for details click here
Walgreens $19.64 for details click here
Albertsons Deals $10.05 for details click here
If you are new to my site, I know you are wondering how I feed my family on the items I purchased for the week. Well I do not shop like a “Normal” person I stock up on the times that are at their lowest price point for the week. I bring them home and add them to my Pantry which is full of items that I use to make my families menu. My freezer is stocked with meat, so between the pantry and the freezer I do not really “NEED” to buy anything. Which allows me to only purchase things at a price that I am happy to pay. Of coarse I have to buy my perishable items every week, like milk eggs and veggies.
Once again it goes to show that having Multiple Sunday papers for coupon inserts and for Doubles, really pays off. This has been the secret to my saving buying multiple Sunday papers and for only $13 a month it is totally worth it! To find out how to get the Idaho Press Tribune or the Idaho Statesman A Thrifty Mom Paper deal click them.