My Wife and my children’s mother

Well this is our 11th Mother’s Day together and after four kiddos it has gotten better after each one! I love you so much. I hope you have a good and relaxing day (and maybe stay off of A Thrifty Mom website for a day and take a break. You deserve it.

After our first – Matthew I thought we were in for one crazy ride. And we were, not relationship wise, although many times in a hardship of a very sick child, many do not make it. We did and never had any marriage issues.

After Mckeely was born it was so much fun. A cute little girl I could hold that reminded me of you! She was and is so special to both of us. And we realized what having a normal child was like with out having to be flown away to distant hospitals.

Then came Maleeya – and she roared into our life. She made her self known with her screaming and crying – when she wasnt eating. Cutest little thing and she would just look at us, until she realized she was hungry and demanded our attention. And she is still just as loud now as she was then.

Now with Maveric – a strong handsome little guy. He has brought so much laughter to us with his cute smile, and happy personality. Know that he is two he is showing us that he is the man of the house, as he climbs to the tallest shelf in the room, and yells ARRRGGHHHH – MMMMMAAAAAA!

And with each of these cuties you have been the main person to teach them, love them, and wipe their tears. You have taught them right from wrong, Yes ma, no sir. And how to thank others. You are their mother, and have been the best wife and mother to my children as I could of ever hoped for. Thank You so much for being who you are. I love you, Matt

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