Question: How much do you really stock up for a family of four? Also, on the online coupons how many coupons do you print of each one and are you printing all available or just the ones that you think you will use? Some will print several on one page and others only print one coupon on each page(lots of wasted paper).
Answer: I always say stock up on items when they are at least 50% off…get what your family will eat in the next 2 months. But if it is 75% – FREE then I stock up as much as I can store, and what my family will eat before it expires. Each family’s needs are a little different, so it is hard for me to say how much for you to buy. But the longer you coupon the better you will get at learning what you personally feel is a great stock up price and how many to get to meet your family’s needs.
As for the printing question, if it is a product that your family uses or if it happens to be a high value coupon then I go ahead and print them. Because I do not want them to reach their print limit and miss out. But if it a product that I do not really need or buy often I wait to print it till it matches up with a sale. Click here to see the latest new printable coupons. Hope that helps?