Q&A -How many coupons can I use

QuestionI’ve never really used more than 1 coupon per transaction before so my question is how do you know how many coupons to use? For example, Albertsons has their Pillsbury biscuits on sale 4 for $5 and I have a coupon from the Internet for $0.50 off 2 but it says do not double or triple. So say I wanted to buy 4 biscuits could I use 2 Internet coupons, because technically they aren’t on the same item, right??

Answer- In the example above yes you would use 2 coupons (.50 off of 2) on your 4 biscuits.
Thrifty tips about coupon wording
When a coupons says “one coupon per purchase” it means one coupon per product or item. ?It does not mean one coupon per transaction. So if you buy 5 boxes of cereal and you have 5 coupons for $1 off, and they say one coupon per purchase( it means one per box) You would hand the cashier all 5 coupons for 5 boxes.

When a coupons says “One coupon per order” it means you can only use one coupon per transaction, or shopping visit. ?SO if I have coupons that say this I just make several trips into the store, and ?buy one of that item each trip in.

When a coupon says “One per mailing address, or one per household” ?you can only use one for your house. ?Most the time these are for something you order, If you want to use more than one the only way you can do this is if you have it mailed to a Friend or Family members address. ?You don’t come across these very often.?

When ?can you use 2 coupons on one item?
In some cases you are able to use 2 coupons for 1 item. ?This is called “stacking your coupons” You can do this when you have an in-store coupon (coupon that the store prints in its ad, and has its logo on it) You can use the in-store coupon and also use a MFR (manufacturer coupon) on the same item. ?To see a few posts I have done this on click here.

Now remember some stores are more coupon friendly than others. ?If you missed my post on our local stores coupon policy click here to read it.

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