Stater Bros. Markets gladly redeems valid coupons. The following guidelines apply to all forms of coupons:
The coupon offered must be valid. The coupon must contain a paragraph addressed to: grocer, dealer, or retailer. The paragraph must state that the manufacturer will reimburse (Stater Bros. Markets) the face value of the coupon, including handling cost. If the coupon does not have this paragraph, and also a scannable barcode, it is not a valid coupon.
The coupon must have a valid expiration date that has not expired at the time of redemption.
The original coupon must be presented. Photocopies will not be accepted.
The required item(s) on the coupon must be purchased, must be presented to the cashier at the time of purchase, and cannot be applied to a previous purchase.
Product must be purchased in sizes and/or quantities specified on the coupon.
Coupon value cannot exceed the price of the item(s) purchased/and the coupon has no cash value.
Unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer, a customer may only use one manufacturer coupon per item.
Stater Bros. Markets must follow all manufacturer guidelines.
Coupon stacking policies for manufacturer coupons apply to paper and electronic coupons. We will allow one Stater Bros. paperless coupon with one manufacturer coupon unless prohibited. Exclusive In-store ad coupons may be redeemed with one manufacturer coupon if all manufacturer redemption criteria are met.
Coupons are subject to advertised offer limitations and all other limitations and restrictions on coupon. Stater Bros. Markets has the right to place limits per purchase or transaction on all coupons.
The customer must pay all deposits, fees, and sales tax on the full value of the item(s).
Stater Bros. Markets reserves the right to refuse any coupons that we believe to be photocopied, counterfeit, being presented in a fraudulent manner, or invalid for any reason.
Additional guidelines apply for the following types of coupons:
Printed Internet coupons
The same manufacturer and store coupon rules above apply to all internet printed coupons.
Stater Bros. Markets does not accept Internet coupons for items prohibited by law or free items. Coupons that have a purchase requirement to receive a free item are acceptable. Examples: Buy One Get One free, Buy Two Get One free.
Internet printed coupons must have a serial number and follow an industry-standard format. (see example below)
The coupon must be obtained from a legitimate site, where the coupon never appears on the screen. All legitimate printable coupons are sent directly to the printer, after clicking on a link in your web browser or email. A legitimate coupon is never sent as a graphic or PDF or sent in a Word document.
Internet Coupons with a value over $5 will not be accepted.
Example of a Valid Internet Coupon
This internet coupon would be acceptable. It does not exceed $5.00, contains a valid statement of reimbursement, a valid expiration date and has a scannable barcode.
Example of valid Internet coupon
Catalina Check Out Coupons
Only valid Catalina check out coupons that read “redeemable at Stater Bros. Markets” will be accepted.
Stater Bros. Markets reserves the right to change this policy at any time without prior notice. All coupon redemptions are subject to the policy in effect at time of redemption. Coupon redemption policy changes may not be advertised.
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