Each day we will be posting A THRIFTY & IN LOVE TIP from one of our readers. At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00  Gift Card. For all the details click here. Keep those Random Acts of Love  tips  and experiences coming!!! What are your ideas? What are your experiences at the 28 Days of Random Acts of Love – good or bad… (photos are always fun too)

Please submit your comments on this post HERE, or to our email with the  word Thrifty & In Love  on the subject line.


Last year I gave my husband a “Heart Attack”. I wrote reasons why I loved him on about 25 construction paper hearts and left them in various places. Some places were obvious, like the bathroom mirror, others he would find later, such as inside his Bible and in his wallet. It was fun to tell him the many ways he blesses me and he appreciated the affirmation.

Susan M.

Well this isn’t particularly thrifty (the remaining 27 days will be!), but today I bought tickets to go to the Parade of Roses (in Pasadena, CA) next New Year’s Day. This is something my husband has *always* wanted to do. I am not a parade person; I am not a crowds person; I am not a traveling person. But I decided to just go for it, and so I bought them. Even bought tickets to the equestrian event a few days earlier (to meet the riders and see the horses), as my daughter LOVES horses. I am ITCHING to give my husband this gift…and am trying to hold out until Valentine’s Day. Tomorrow’s “gift” will be $0. Think I’ll take him a cup of coffee while he’s in the shower.

Dana C

My husband and I have a “love book.” Whenever one of us feels like writing a love note we put it in this book and hide it where the other will find it. I love looking back at the notes from over the years!


Thanks for this it has come just at the right time. My husband and I will be celebrating our anniversary soon and for the first time in our married lives thought we might have a little money to spend as it turns out that isn’t going to happen. This has been especially distressing to my husband, I hope by showing hime this list it will make him feel a little better. I don’t really care either way its always been the everyday things for me an unexpected back rub or just taking me to run errands, when he would rather stay home but he knows I like him with me, supporting me in my couponing pursuits.


Wow, what timing! This morning it just worked out where my husband got up a little later than he usually does (he makes his own hours), and while I was making the kids’ breakfast, I made an extra for him and brought him breakfast in bed. I like this, and I’m going to continue for the rest of the month…the rest of our lives!

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