We all are disappointed when we go to get a Thrifty Deal only to find the item out of stock. Here is what I suggest you do first. Ask to see if they have more, some times they will have another display, or more in the back. If they are out of the item, ask when the next shipment comes in. Try to come back before the sale ends, or get a rain check for the sale price.
What is a rain check? An assurance to a customer that an item on sale that is sold out or out of stock may be purchased later at the sale price.
If the item is part of a Catalina promo getting a rain check may not work. They can not write you a rain check for the catalina only the sale price. Some catalina run longer than the ad price so it is still worth getting a rain check, and you will just need to pay attention to the end date of the catalina.
If the item is not part of the weekly ad, but on sale you can still get a rain check. The photo above shows the tag for No Yolk Noodles, normal price $1.99. These were not in the ad but on sale for $1.29. If you look at the bottom of the tag you can see the sale price is only good till 3/16. Being the sale is almost over I got a rain check. I hope to find this time back in stock next time there are double coupons…and use it with the .75 cent off coupon to get them free. Many times these tag sales will last a few weeks…so it is important to look at the end date.
To get a rain check you will need to ask Customer Service or some cashiers are able to write them. Please note that every store does rain checks a little different, it is important to ask your store questions you may have. But Rain Checks are a great way to get a Thrifty Deal.
Albertsons Rain checks expire 30 days from the date written, while Walgreens do not expire.
I know Albertsons and Walgreens give out rain checks….what stores in your area use them?