I know healthy Halloween treats do not sound very fun, but I think these ideas will change your mind. Halloween was one of my favorite holidays as a child. One of the main reasons was because it meant I got CANDY. Most of which I wanted to eat all in one night. My Mom always made a point to feed us a food dinner so our tummy would be full of good food before we started to try and fill it with sugar. Most Halloween parties you go to are going to have lots of sweet treats, so it is great to add a few healthy Halloween options in there too.
Watch our Live Video making some of these recipes
Below you will find a list of healthy Halloween treats. Most of which are crazy easy to make! Pick out a few of your favorites to add to your Halloween party, or dinner! My kids all have a favorite that they ask for every year. Best is they do not even realize they are a healthy Halloween option. They just think they are FUN!
21 Healthy Halloween Treats, for the perfect Halloween Party!
Monster Eye Salad
Monster Eyes (Grape Eyes)
Monster Fruit Cups ~ Fast and Easy Halloween Treats
Jello Brain Mold, super easy but fun Halloween party idea. Healthy Halloween made easy.
Halloween Treat Ideas For Kids ~ Cheese Stick Ghost
Orange Jack-o-lanterns, Easy Halloween snacks
Spider Eggs (Deviled Eggs) – creepy but oh so good!
Monster eye skewers in slime, perfect Halloween Dinner idea
Spooky Deviled Egg Eyes ~Halloween recipes
Juice Box Mummy– so fun for school lunch or party
Pumpkin Shaped Dinner Rolls ~ Quick and Easy
Little Orange pumpkins The perfect treat
Candy corn veggie tray
Orange mummies
Jack-o-lantern orange cups perfect for school parties!

Bloody Finger Hot Dogs
Jack-O-Lantern Quesadilla
Creepy Apple Mouths,

Jack O Lantern Veggie Tray
Easy DIY Halloween Fog , for the best SPOOKY party ever

What happened it cut off
Watching from Albany Ore
Hello from Manson Iowa
My kids love the that cheeses
Ok we can see now
What is your page name
Love the veggie tray!
Not a fan of baby carrots either
Love your ideas!! Gives us “not so crafty” people hope! ….LOL
Hi from Miami Beach
Hey from union city tennessee 🙂
It is blurry.
We love all the ideas! Thanks for sharing!
The light looks great!!
Sam’s club too
Are those Dixie plastic ramkins?
It’s not skipping. It’s their internet, not yours!
I like the jokes thats keeping the show funny as well as informative and fun! Thanks for taking your time to
Greatest idea ever. Mom of the year award goes to YOU!!
Do yiu have a different idea for kids who dont like carrots?
Hi, from mayfield, ky!!
I love this, how can I share for all of my friends to join???? It’s my first time!! ♡ it!
God bless your son. Prayers for him! He’s a brave guy!
Maybe maybe yiu should start your own show instead of april! It’s my first time watching but your doing awesome.
Video is good doll. Thanks for sharing i live ir so far
No videos not freezinf i think its their internet
Good veiw now.
Hi from Arizona.
Hi, glad to get to watch your show! Love from ky!!
Hi 10:12 am in ohio
Why yall so worried about her looks. Judge much?
Hi from North Georgia
Looks like a placenta
How much yogurt did u use
Vanilla pudding with green food coloring. Crushed oreos on top. Just made them for a party. A big hit!
Teresa gorrie scotland
Hot dogs taste better before you cook them
I love you Sarah. Your so fun and real U0001f60a. I also love watching April. My 2 favorite ppl U0001f49c
Hotdogs look U0001f440 awesome
Just get on with it
Gotta fix this..
Now there’s no volume.. ehh
Hey new here
11:16 pm here in eastern Canada
Hi first time watching
Hello watching from Taiwan
Good idea for hotdogs
Love that the kids like olives
No all good here
Hello Haley your beautiful
Hi what is your place in the family
What’s the Pinterest name ?
You are beautiful
What are u making
Hi from Houston
Set it higher up
Hi Sara watching from Minnesota
Hi watching with my son!!! From Alabama
Hello from Texas ❤️
First time seeing you from Cincinnati Ohio
What are your kids being for holloween
What are you
What are your kids being for f
What are the kids being for holoween
Hi from LA 6:30sh
Mid day here in New South Wales, AustraliaU0001f603
Hello from Wisconsin
Hi from Pa!!
All kids in bed
10:00 pm here!
aww It cut me off
can you say hello harrison to my baby please x
What are those block things??
It’s very fuzzy
My son also goes in and out of the hospital a lot could you say his name it’s pronounced zander but spelled Xander he wants a hotdog now lol U0001f602
That’s a lot of tape! Lol
Awesome ideas !! Love em ☺
What city are u guys in, first time watching
I am wiching from Canada PEI
were did u get apron
Yes she does
Omg I’m a lularoe addict
where did you get your apron
I love your apron!
where did you get your tshirt
I love these!!
I love all of your helpers
Too cute! What fun!
That looks so real lol
My 4 year old grand daughter will love those Bloody finger hot dogs
Can you say Xander is is pronounced zander lol he is watch waiting a hotdog
Lol….bloody finger dogs
Those ar creepy, lol
Kids love bloody finger dogs
I want a plain one w/mustard lol
Hi Roxanne! 😀
They look fab
I like those hot dogs good idea!
Those are amazing!
Hey Melissa! 😀
I’m late to the party, lol.
Kelly!!!! Hey girl
Are those spider dogs?
My kids would love that!
I love olives
Red tin is black olives
what is in the red tin
You didn’t break him lol
We miss you April!
Such cute ideas, love that you have great helpers
Minions are great helpers.
Yes very good pizza and subs
Any friend of Aprils is a friend of ours !!!
were did you get your top from
Your kitchen! *swoon*
Hi April ☺☺
Use applesauce cups if you have saved them
Ooh, LaRosa’s…Hungry, Brittany U0001f60bU0001f604
Dollar Tree has them
you can probably re-use a fruit cup for that, like diced pears 🙂
April! Hey! I hope you’re enjoying your company!
Seems better now
Awesome thank you!
Hi April !!!
Or larosas we have them I’m sure they would sale some
Party city has them too
Heyyyyyyy. It’s April! Peeking in real quick. Feed looks okay to me U0001f618 Great crowd tonight!!!
Dollar Tree has them
Its better now
Yeah im slipping too
That Halloween spread is gonna be sweet
Where did you get the cups?
I closed it and came back in
Baaaaad wireless connect or ???
Skip skip skip to my lou
I need so much prep time that I don’t have
It helped some when I went out and came back in
Just got on what are you making
It’s skipping because there’s so many viewers
Skipping so bad here , I can’t even hear you
Skipping here too
It’s freezing up now
Skipping bad for me to
Skipping here too
Mine here too
This is very hard to watch because of all the skipping
It’s cutting out bad 🙁
How often do you do these videos? First time watching!
Love the ideas
Thought it was mine Samantha, but its pretty BAD U0001f630
For me too
Is it me or u but it’s skipping so bad
Yes your skipping for me too
Is that a permanent marker ?
Deco on fleek ❤️
Can u make a hotdog finger
You are skipping badly
I need to go to take a shower I’ll brb
You have very cute little helpers! Your ideas are awesome and fun for kids! Will have to do some with my daughter!
Love your nails
Thank you for these ideas my son is going to love them
Gimme them grapes U0001f60b
I have 4 daughters…..wish mine enjoyed helping in the kitchen as much as yours do!……LOL. Cute Halloween ideas by the way! U0001f60a
Love your nails
Her nails r cute!
Nails look pretty..
Cute nails lady
More cuteness U0001f49a
So cute !!!!
I can’t eat hot dogs w/faces on them lol
Can u give a shout out to my daughter Kaylie, she looks about your daughters age….
Can u make a hotdog finger?
Y’all are precious!
Feed me you guys(ladies)
Very cute idea
Fee me you guys
Good girls ❤️
Very cute U0001f383U0001f383U0001f383U0001f383U0001f383U0001f383U0001f383U0001f383U0001f383girls
You girls are such great helpers U0001f60aU0001f60a
Love your apron!!
Hi from Virginia
Great job ladies
That’s cute U0001f383
You give us all hope with our sadly open cabinet kitchens
Yes what are the kids being for Halloween
You are cool friend
I have a huge hole in my living areas
Have one boy who loves carrots but not olives and one who loves olives but not carrots, that’s the perfect little appetizer for them haha so cute
Very cute and easy!
My name is Lillian
Hi my name is Lillian
Little helpers are always good
Hi my name is Lillian
Love oops lol
Your girls r soo helpful. I love it!!
I live kitchens!!!
Hi Vince !!!
How many are in your family? What are the kids name? If you don’t mind
Just joined what are you making?
Hi from West Virginia!
Hello from brownfield Maine ! U0001f44f
Love your kitchen
Can u show us how to do a hotdog finger?
Wow good girl U0001f44dU0001f3fb
Don’t anwser the negitve people doing fun stuff watching with my grandaugher
What are your kids being for Halloween
Is that a double oven???
Hi from Melbourne Australia
You are so pretty
What other stuff are you making? Cute kids by the way U0001f60a
Hahah love the discloser!
If you can eat bug parts in peanut butter, you can eat a hotdog w/hair on it lol
No worries, stay real!
We have Sahlens hot dogs here in Buffalo the best
Have u done hotdog fingers?
I THOUGHT YOU WERE 25! U0001f44bU0001f3fcU0001f44bU0001f3fcU0001f44bU0001f3fcU0001f44bU0001f3fcU0001f44bU0001f3fcU0001f44bU0001f3fc
How fun!! I love it when family is involved
They’re still good!!
Hi from Melbourne Australia
Love that peanut butter knife 🙂
Hot dog are not Healthy.
Hi from Brisbane, Australia!!
I boil them and then grill them! So juicy!
How old are you?
Been eating hot dogs for 64 years …. I’m ok !! U0001f642
There are healthy hot dogs. Veggie for one 🙂
Very cute! Gonna have to try this for all my babies U0001f61d
Hello from Saskatchewan
Hi! I’m in Simpsonville SC!
I can’t stand hot dogs like any form of hot dogs they make me gag lol
Hi from NC just joining U0001f60a
how old is your girl.? whats her name, she is so cute, hi from puerto rico.
Hello first time watching
You don’t look old enough to have that many kids!
I like the beef kind
Hi from Australia U0001f600
Omg your kids r very cute.
Healthy… and hot dogs. Nah! The other stuff looks good though. It’s just funny to click in to something labeled healthy and the first thing you see is hot dogs. LOL
Good job !!!!!!hello little girls U0001f618U0001f618U0001f618U0001f618U0001f618U0001f618U0001f618
So cute momma!
Grew up in Fl and up and down the east coast.
God bless your son and hope he is well
Hey from Ketchikan Alaska
I love your stove. I have never been out west, gre up in
My son loves raw hot dogs. Me not so much!
Raw hot dogs are okay to eat
Hey for Alaska
Hello from Royse City Texas
Awwww what a miracle and blessing props to you momma
Love your glasses U0001f913U0001f913U0001f913U0001f913
Is your son ok now??
big family happy family….lots of fun
Hey I used to eat raw hot dogs growing up
Oh my sorry to hear that. God bless him. U0001f614
Hope your son is doing well now:)
Don’t they all eat raw dogs lol
Hello fromchicago U0001f60b
We are you at tonight?
We are nice group
We are harmless
Hi from Buffalo !!!!!!!!
I made these the these day they look good cutting them in half
We just had hot dogs tonight! I should’ve thought to do this! Just saw a pic of them the other day!
I can’t eat hot dogs yucky lol
How many kids you have?
I thought she was skipping a meeting of some sort for her friends lol
Hello from Florida
hello mr. hot dog
Luv the apron!!!
Love your apron
She has friends in town and taking a day off she said
And she is also in charge of the twitter party
April is taking the day off to see friends she hasn’t see in years
No April ???
What happened to april?
Love your accent
Love it already
Always a good combo 😉
Bread and pecans 🙂 I’m in!!!!
THANK YOU… we had a few of them today 😉
Lov reg carrots but never peel them!!!
Hey from kcmo
Scissors would work to cut them
Love your shirt
Hi from NC
You are super cute, thanks for sharing! Don’t let the trolls bother you, some people have nothing better to do…
Kiddos love cuties!
Pizza dough I think
April Easton yes we do you can see the whole list here –> http://athriftymom.com/21-healthy-halloween-treats/
I got hacked.
Hello either is her ponytail
Montreal Quebec Canada
Brain jello with yogurt
Yep that’s happen
I like you cat
I like cat
Love you guys! And I want to go to her house too! U0001f61c
Any idea for grapes U0001f347
And grapes ideas for kids party
Baby comes first
U0001f606 Me too. We should all get together. Amanda
Thank you so much for watching
those eyebrows are not on fleek
LOL Yes Amanda Flake is one of my favorite people ever!!!
Brain and cheese sticks
Hello from Israel
Me too 🙂
http://amzn.to/2esgWhC I have had this set for about 7 years and love it, I would recommend buying a sharpener too, as they will dull over time, But a few swipes with the sharpener and they are good as new again
Hi thanks for watching
Just a cloth with water then follow with a dry towel to wipe it down
Ur fridge at the back is super shiny. What do U use?
Whoops didn’t mean to sad emoji U0001f648
What kind of knives are those? They are nice and sharp
I know, I would have loved Cotton candy years ago, gross now!
I told him you live right by grandma and are friends with Amanda Flake
My 5 year old is watching with me and says when can we go to her house? U0001f602
Thank you !!!
Great ideas U0001f44d
Candy corn veggies i say my daughter who is 6 says she likes the ghost cheese
The Brain!! U0001f44dU0001f3fe
Love it cute ideas I love the cheese sticks!!
Love the brain but could do a class activity with drawing faces on the cuties
I like the cuties with celery pumpkins
Cuties , string cheese , pumpkins
cheese ghost 🙂
Candy corn is cute
How did you make the brain ?
Great ideas! Thanks!
Candy corn veggie tray is my fave
This is adorable!! Both my kids have Halloween parties this Friday at school 🙂
Very creative and cute! U0001f60a
So cute !!!
Is Drea watching too, Cassie?
Great ideas! Thanks for sharing
These are such cute ideals
I wish Cassie!
Hi mom Amy! Wanna come make some of these snacks with us 😉
Hi Drea and Cassie!
My son’s birthday is on Halloween,great snack ideas for his birthday party 🙂
My daughter Drea says Hi!!
Cute shirt!!! U0001f47bU0001f47bU0001f47b
It’s jello in a brain mold
My daughter Drea and I are enjoying watching this U0001f600
I just turned on what’s the red stuff
Hi Aaron!! U0001f590U0001f3fd
Now its your turn to get away 🙂
Hi from Fort Worth Texas
Baby carrots.are bleached
Kids are probably in school lol
My kids prefer the whole carrots
My grand daughters will Love To Try theseU0001f34a
Hi from Ohio
Yes I agree !!
Baby carrots dry out faster
Hi from new jersey
5 kids and your house is so quiet, U0001f44d
Ok thanks I guess I need to switch my wifi
Hi from Canada
Is anyone else video feed choppy?
Hi from nj
What about putting white cheese in the middle
You could also do a cheese stick in the middle!
Hi from Lake St. Louis, MoU0001f34a
Grand daughters are coming for the day and I will definitely try these!!U0001f34aU0001f34aU0001f34a
Never mind! U0001f60a
What are you putting in the middle of the orange ?
I made worms
Fun! Love your kitchen too 🙂
Hi from Juneau alaska
Love the cutie pumpkin!
Hello From Las Vegas , Nevada and your a lefty too !!!!
Mindy DeVito
I’ve done the cuties before for a class party. Cute + healthy = Win!
Dont forget to “Like” our facebook page here – https://www.facebook.com/AThriftyMom/
Healthy Halloween Treats, don’t let the title fool ya, these are SUPER FUN! http://athriftymom.com/21-healthy-halloween-treats/
Love your shirt
Thank you !!! Thank you !!!
Follow us on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/athriftymom/
Cute!!! A Lefty to boot 🙂
Follow us on Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/athriftymom/
I did the cuties last year for a Halloween party U0001f383
OMG ,So cute
Ok thank you !
It’s Julie lol sorry
Are you on Pinterest and Ig ?
Healthy Halloween Treats, don’t let the title fool ya, these are SUPER FUN! http://athriftymom.com/21-healthy-halloween-treats/
This is awesome
Gross!… perfect for Halloween!
That is so awesome!!! Totally going to try this
gross and yummy? lol
How fun !
love the t-shirt. =)
the brain mold is too fun!
I hate cotton candy!
Healthy Halloween Treats, don’t let the title fool ya, these are SUPER FUN! http://athriftymom.com/21-healthy-halloween-treats/
Oh! How cute!
Are those rolls?
Hi cute Sarah!
My mom gave grandkids toothbrushes and tooth paste