A Neck tie as a gift?

It’s Matt! It’s been a long time since I started a post that way! Anyways I thought I would go into what a husband really wants for Fathers Day.

Well first things – How about a tie.

Really? well some guys like them. I know its a traditional thing to do, but to many guys this is our form a expression. Sure a girl has dresses for church or work, but that comes with bags, shoes, accessories, necklaces and bracelets…

Girls can decorate them self completely different even while wearing the same dress! But what about us guys? All we have is a suit, most likely the same old dress shoes… and whats left… TIE”s! Another Matt at Tiepedia.com made a post about Tie Cakes! I thought it was great. It had a ton of photos of unique tie inspired cakes! Check It Out Heretiecake1

How about a good meal… we all know the saying – You get to the guy through his stomach! Well it is true! A good meal, shows attention to what a guy wants. It shows that deep down inner feeling of always wanting his mother around still holds true.

Sure a guy wants his mommy. We may hide it and try and act tough! But truly each guy wants to be nurtured like his mom used to do! When we are sick we really appreciate the attention by the women in our life. It makes us feel all warm inside!

Ok back to gifts –

How about sports items. Now personally I am not into sports. Sure I watch them, I will play them. But I am not the guy that watched Sports Center (girls you know what I talking about –  ESPN).

I follow one team- My local college football Boise State! And the Atlanta Braves baseball.

But guys do like gifts that relate – why? Well it shows that the women in our life do like for us to enjoy ourselves!

How about cutting the grass for him? Sure its tough, and actually many women do it them self, but the notion is that the special women in the guys life is going out of her way to make it easier on the guy!

What about you guys… or should I say girls? What are some ideas you have, that are “Thrifty” that you have done or would like to do for Fathers Day?

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