Jenny sent me this emial, I love it! How about you, has your husband caught the coupon bug yet???
I have been couponing and following your blog for a couple weeks now and LOVE IT!!! My husband has had what I assume is the typical husband response: somewhat mocking (with love, of course ;] ) of my new coupon fetish but willing to hear about the great deals I’m getting and loving all the money I’m saving! He came home from work yesterday ready to explode with a story of a thrifty money-saving deal of his own! He went to Sears and saw some 24 packs of bottled water on sale for $7.00 and decided to buy a couple. Then he said with a big smile on his face, “Guess what they rang up as? $.25!” I gushed on and on about how proud I was of him and his first “thrifty” buy! And on the inside, I couldn’t help but giggle how even he has apparantly caught the bug of being thrifty. To my thrifty husband! :] I had to share! Keep up the good work!
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