Don’t Eat Emmet, Free Printable Lego Movie Game

lego movie don't eat pete, legos, party games, lego party, free printable, printable party games

Don’t Eat Emmet, Free Printable Lego Movie Game


We are big Lego Movie fans in this house! My son just had a birthday and for his party he wanted a Lego Movie theme. We also love the game “Don’t Eat Pete!”. It is simple, everyone always gets a turn and it entertains the kids really well at a party. It is pretty much a staple at all of our parties.

All you need for this game is a printed copy of the game, small candy (such as smarties, skittles or m&ms) and kids to play.

If you haven’t played “don’t eat Pete” here is how you play; Begin by placing a small piece of candy on each square. Have the players gather in a circle around the game board. Have the first player turn their back to the game while another player selects any square on the board. Now let the 1st player turn back around.  They will then begin to pick the candy off of one square at a time.  They can eat them or just hold them, it doesn’t matter. Once they get to the square the other player has picked, everyone yells “Don’t eat Emmet!” and the next player gets a turn until all players have a turn to play. This is pretty fun and the kids love to see how many pieces the others are going to get. They think it is extra funny when the player gets out on the first piece of candy!

This really is a great, simple game to play at any party. The kids will go several times if you let them, you just have to decide how much candy you want them having!

Have fun! To print the game, right click the photo below and save it to your computer. You can then print from your computer. I would recommend for this printable to not go above a regular sheet of paper size to keep it from getting blurry.

Candy Blox Blocks 5 Pounds

  • There are approximately 150 pieces per pound
  • 2-pin, 4-pin, 6-pin, and 8-pin = Young candy architects can create a variety of structures
  • Pineapple, Raspberry, Orange, Banana, Cherry, Grape, Lime
  • Build it first, then eat it!
  • Kosher Certified, Circle U Parve

lego movie don't eat pete, party games, lego party, free printable, printable party games

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