IT’s a…. boy or girl?

profile It’s Matt

Yesterday we had a ultra sound of our new baby. We have been curious as to what we are having. But more so just concerned that the baby would be healthy.

Before Matthew was born I had a dream that there were two children in my dream. Not a vivid dream but a boy and a girl were there. A girl stood in the front, and a boy in the back. Both had brown hair. I couldn’t make out the faces but I knew who they were. The boy in the back was older and also smaller. The girl in the front was younger but was taller and bigger. I had the feeling in my dream, that she was the protector of the older, but smaller boy.

My dream was made real after Matthew and Mckeely were born. I was 100 % right in “guessing” the sex of each of them. I knew my dream was true. Mckeely is like Matthew’s little guardian. Granted they fight, but yesterday she carefully guided Matthew to the front of a church talent show so they could sing together.

Then Maleeya was due. I knew it was a girl. No dream, just a good feeling. And boy she came out screaming! She definitely has her own opinion of things!

Now Sarah is pregnant again and I have had more impressions of us having a boy! And in fact it IS A BOY! Actual photo below to prove it.. HELLO is what we said too! It was the absolute very first image that came up on screen…He’s proud of it!BOY

I put together a video of our new baby. He was doing that cute scrunch where they arch their back and stick their butt out… I also added some music. I think it’s fitting. CLICK here to watch it It’s kind of long, but I think its worth the wait.

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