I posted this in an area where others would see it only if they chose to.
I would like to clear things up.
Some people have said this is Sarah’s blog. You are wrong. We both spend hours a day on this one site. With out me there would be no site since I run the computer side of things, and many deals.
Some people have said I shouldn’t post on my family. ie – family photos. You are wrong as well. This is a family run, family owned, family corporation. A Thrifty Mom, INC. I am the president, Sarah is the vice.
It is our company policy to keep things based on the family. In our top right of the site you will see a photo of both of us. And a description of our family. Sarah’s motto is Family and Mom first, website is further down the list. We post things of our family at our own risk. We want others to know who we are and why we do this. There aren’t that many other sites that focus as much as we do on the family. We figure you will love our family and then love to coupon.
It has been a while since I made a post about my inner thoughts. I have posted on budget, economy, marriage among other things. When I post on entitlement, in no way did I post a political posting. Granted I did mention health care, but it was not to start a political debate. It was designed to show that there are many who feel it is an entitlement as among other things in life. If it is or isn’t that is up to YOUR opinion. And it was barely 3 sentences! It was the comments that ignited the political rationalization. It is a sore subject in today’s world. That is unfortunate that it is sore and not just a subject. No one got on my case about welfare. I am disappointed at today’s mentality that one is ridiculed for their own opinion. I am only 35 and have seen this ability taken away from my own speech pattern. When I was young it was good to be outspoken. Then we became a politically correct society. Now we have advanced into “don’t say anything unless you want to be ridiculed”. It used to be good to bring up topics that every one could discuss. I never took debate classes, and now I wish I had. I wonder what or even if they have actual debate classes. Or does it now turn out to be slamming class, where who ever has the courage to say something starts off the ridiculing of each others opinions. Where have we gone to?
I will not apologize for making that post on entitlement.
When I was younger, I was really fat. I was the class nerd. I moved a lot and was always the kid who was weird. Not that I didn’t like moving, because I did. It was just kids being kids. I never seemed to fit in. No matter how hard I tried. And boy did I. I did everything I could. I wore the cool shoes, when money could afford it. I listened to the cool music, so when slang came around I wasn’t the one who looked puzzled.
Right before we moved from North Carolina to Idaho, I joined my high school wrestling team only to try to fit in. I joined because their were no “cuts”. If you made it through all the practices you were on the team and would letter. I have always been a very determined person. The only thing I did good at was that I never got pinned. I spent most of the match on my back, but I never quit, and never got pinned. As a side affect of the activity I lost all my weight. I still wasn’t good. I always came in last. So I was still made fun of, but I lost the weight.
When we moved to Idaho I had a quite moment to myself. I told my self I would move to my new school, and simply just be me. I would listen to the music that I liked. I would go to the classes that I liked. And my motto that I came up with is ” I’m not here to make friends”. Now don’t take me wrong, I desperately wanted friends. I wanted to be apart of a society of peers. But I wanted to be me and have those around me to like me for me. If they wanted to be my friends then so be it. If not, so what. I just wanted to be me. So I wore my white surf themed shirts, and tan shorts and sandals almost all year long. Why because I liked them. That was me. And I still do, although my colors have broadened. I feel like I had alot of friends. Now I wasn’t the cool kid in school, but I also didn’t feel like I was made fun of. I ran through the halls with out a care. It was the start of a new life. And to this day I have held the same attitude. I am not here to make friends. Again, don’t get me wrong. That statement in no way means I want to be a loner. I still want friends, but I want them to like me for me, and not for me to change or adjust who I am.
So if I make a post on this site, you can like it or not. Not everything in life will be liked by every body or maybe even by anybody. But it is still my inner feelings. Some people have said this is not the place to post things. Maybe to some it isn’t. But to me – since it is mine as well as my wifes- then it is.
We have been told to not post our family photos.
We have been told not to post our thoughts.
We have been told not to post others thoughts.
We have been told to not post religious views.
We have been told to not post things our family has done.
We have been told to not post on the economy.
We have been told to not post on marriage.
We have been told to not post on political views.
We have been told to not post on our personal opinions.
We have been told to ….. you get the point. Each one of the above are actual things we have been told and I am sure there will be more.
Where have we gone in this world where we feel it necessary to control another person. Why has our world come to the point where we are afraid to speak due to the probable chance that we will be ridiculed or persecuted?
If we were to take out all of the above from our site then what would be left? ________________ Did you see. I wrote what would be left…. nothing. This issue seems to be affecting so much more then the family and who a person is. It seems to be affecting everything. From media, to government, to business, to communities, to even the neighbors around us. Most of you know we just moved. We moved to an older house and with an older house comes older neighboorhoods, and older neighboors. One thing I have noticed besides the gray hair, I have noticed a time warp. We have time warped to a era where neighboors come over to talk. They bring flowers they have planted in their yards. They see you are throwing out old limbs and ask if they can have it for their compost pile. They watch our mail, and put back our trash can if they see it still out when they get thiers. They shovel each other drive ways. They live in a time that was simple.
I feel like we are no longer in that time anymore. I feel like we have gradually secluded ourselves from being open and polite. We are now in a time where it is no long good to speak out, or even speak. We all have our views on everything in the world, but I fear we have gone inward. With the advancement of emails, text messages, and social seclusion sites like MySpace, Facebook and others, we have forgotten what matters most. That we are all unique and are all individuals with our own views and the respect and care for each other has gone the way of the dodo bird.