Patching denim holes with lace

Patching denim holes with lace

You don’t have to expose it all with the holes in your jeans. Patching denim holes with lace is easier than you would think!

Patching denim holes with lace

We have all had denim that wore out, but now you can even buy denim with the holes already there. Sometimes it looks good, but I am not a fan of my upper thighs peaking through a hole in my jeans.  I liked the style of these jeans, but planned on giving them a quick fix that also looks good! Adding some lace will not take away the look of the style, but maybe help you be a little less self conscious.

how to add lace to holes in jeans, patching jeans, tutorial, fixing clothing, lace, holes in jeans, thrifty tips and tricks

All you need is some lace, thread that matches your denim as closely as possible, sewing scissors and needle.

how to add lace to holes in jeans, tutorial, fixing clothing, lace, patching jeans, holes in jeans, thrifty tips and tricks

Begin by cutting the lace slightly larger than the size of the hole you are patching. Mine came with 4 holes and I bought a yard of ribbon to be safe, and it patched them all with some left over.

By using the thread the same color of your denim to help disguise the stitching.  Keep it close to the edge of the hole. Hold the lace with one hand to prevent it from moving while stitching with the other hand.

how to add lace to holes in jeans, patching jeans, tutorial, lace, fixing clothing, holes in jeans, thrifty tips and tricks

One of the holes in particular was a lot larger than the others that I was patching. I doubled up the lace on this particular hole to give it more layering.

Simply sew around each hole and tie off your thread. Trim the extra lace off to keep it from curling and feeling uncomfortable on your leg.

That is it! With very little effort or time you have made the holes look different and given it a little oomph. It makes the jeans look great and adds a little extra style!

how to add lace to holes in jeans, patching jeans, tutorial, lace, fixing clothing, thrifty tips and tricks, style, holes in jeans,

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