I know now a days things are tight for many of us. There are many reasons to this. The economy, the banks, the job out looks, and many others. I have done post on how we got out of debt in the past. I want to let everyone know that we have been there too. We came into this marriage with over $12,000 in debt.
We need to focus what we do on ways to save money. Wither we are completely over our head in debt, and we are living paycheck to paycheck. Or we have a nice savings that will pay our bills and expenses if we didn’t have a job. We even think about the future, we planned to get a life insurance so we checked the Life Cover Quotes to see if we can already afford to pay for a plan.
Today as Sarah was showering in the hospital room, I walked downstairs to see about our bill. I know with our insurance we have a flat copay. I knew that I owed that well before we decided to have a baby. I actually pay a few more dollars per paycheck to get this type of insurance. I figure that if I knew what I owed before something happens then I can save for it. Unlike many insurance plans where you are responsible for 20% of the bill. Who knows what to expect at that point. How can you budget if you don’t know what to budget for. So each month I pay a few more dollars per paycheck, so that I have flat copays. I know if I go to the emergency room then its a $75 copay. That’s it.
I know if we have a baby it’s $500. No worries about what percentage I need to pay.
Sometimes paying a little more will save you more in the long run!
So back to the story of going to handle our bill. Did you know many places of business will give you a discount if you pay upfront?
At the hospital, even though we have a flat copay, if we pay “at time of service” we get another 15% off. We saved $75 today!
So ask where ever you go, even in places where you wouldn’t expect to get a discount.
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