Each day we will be posting A THRIFTY & IN LOVE TIP from one of our readers. At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00  Gift Card. For all the details click here. Keep those Random Acts of Love  tips  and experiences coming!!! What are your ideas? What are your experiences at the 28 Days of Random Acts of Love – good or bad… (photos are always fun too)

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One of the things that really de-stresses my husband and keeps our connection strong is massage. I don’t have great massage skills because of a lack of strength in my hands, but he appreciates a time of gentle touch as much as the tougher work on knotted shoulder muscles, etc. So especially if he’s had a hard day, or just any day I can find a free half hour, I will offer him a massage. For a special occasion, find a little more time when the kids are gone or asleep for the night, add a few candles and special music, and you have a very special but thrifty love gift for your husband. If you want to splurge a little, buy a nice massage oil. (One of my masseuse friends uses Neutrogena Body Oil, Light Sesame Formula. Watch for drugstore deals!) PS – My husband will tell you, however, that one of the best investments we ever made was the massage table I bought for his birthday two years ago. They start at around $100 new or you can get a used one for less.


We say prayers together at night, companion prayers. I also write him a little note letting him know what I appreciate about him that he has done recently and tuck it into his lunch. If he is home for lunch I try to pamper him and warm it up for him. I’ll get up from a meal and refill his glass with water something I have done since we have been married and I still try to continue to do. We hold hands when we go on walks, even if it is just walking to church and I try to sit by him at church and convince our children to sit on either side of us. If he is away for overnight work I try to tuck little notes into his clothes and personals bag. We wink at each other when across the room to let each other know we love each other. Just some of little things we do.

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