Trouble Printing?

I posted about this awhile ago, but I recently have had some questions from some of our new readers, and thought it is time to repost this. Hope this helps:

Trouble Printing Coupons?

Ok it’s Matt again (seems I always start my post that way)

I have had multiple questions in regards to “trouble printing coupons”. There are multiple ways to be able to fix this your self. Now I still need to be told when we place a link to something it doesn’t even send you anywhere. But the trouble here is when you go to print coupons and it sends you to a screen that says something like “waiting to print”. This is a coding problem. When someone puts a coupon-brick (what the printing coupon is called) out on their website they do it in the browser they are currently using. When they use that particular browser to place a post to a coupon it puts two letters in the web address code up in the internet browser.
Now when some one wants to print that coupon and they are in a different browser then what was originally used to post, that is when you get the screen that says “waiting to print” and nothing ever happens.

For Example:
I am using FireFox, and I am posting a coupon on the blog for “steak”. I publish my post so you can see it.
The next day you get on the internet using Internet Explorer and want to print it. You click on the link and up in the address bar you see: “……..whatever”
you click the “Print now” button and it takes you to a white page that says “waiting to print coupons”
it ask you to install the printer application, although you have already installed and used it before. And it does this over and over and over, and still nothing.

2 Things can be done to fix this.

First what we do at A thrifty Mom is:
Copy the link address. The “…..whatever”.
And then Switch browsers! There are really only 3 to worry about.

Internet Explorer
Google Chrome – not used much, so usually it’s the top two.

Paste the code in the opposite browser and print away.

Second – what I think is the more complicated way.
Find the 2 letters and switch to a variety of other 2 letter combination’s.
A FireFox link:
Do you see the “wg” in the code… it’s red. By changing that code to a “vi” or “wi” in Internet Explorer will fix the above issues.
You can swap these codes around till it works in the particular browser you are using. If you don’t want to do what we do.
Now if you are a MAC user, on Safari, you can also replace the “wi”, “vi” or “wg” with a “xs”. Or if you see a “xs” (rare) you can replace with the above 2 letter combo’s.

Well I think just having the other browser already installed is the easiest way, but it’s up to you to choose. Hope this helps.

Below are browsers. They are the programs you turn on to look and surf through the internet. Most likely you have seen these images before, so that you can put a logo with a term.
Start by figuring out which browser you are currently using. Since you are on the internet now reading this post, look up in the very top left corner. Match what you see with a logo below and skip downloading that one. Next choose either Internet Explorer or FireFox, depending on what you don’t have yet and download that one. Hold off on downloading Chrome if you only want to use it to print coupons, because I haven’t seen it used that often. If you install both of these programs and your printing still wont work then come back here and download Chrome.

Hint: once you download the new browser it will tell you that “it” is not your primary browser and will ask you if you want to make it your primary. Just click no, and if possible check the box that says save for next time.
Download the 3 browsers here

If you use Windows XP, or Vista you probably already have Internet Explorer on you computer
Internet Explorer download here

FireFox is free and is the second most used in printing coupons

FireFox download here

Google Chrome is free, and I have not seen it used that often in printing coupons
Google Chrome download here

Also some manufactures who allow you to print coupons off their site will use a Flash program. Or run a Java script. Don’t worry about trying to figure out what that all means. Just look for a drop down bar that comes down below your address bar on top of your page you are trying to print. Click on that bar and click on what ever it ask you to “allow”. It could be please allow ActiveX, or could be please allow Java script. If its on a site that is a major company you can “probably” trust it. If that still doesn’t work try installing the FREE java program:

Java by Sun microsystems

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