self defense

Self Defense, Dino Baby and Weird Mom…. Moments We Want To Remember

If you do not already follow us on Instagram we would love to have you, and share in the Moments We Want To Remember each week! Scouts learning self defense tonight. You would never guess he only has half a heart by his outgoing, go get em’ personality. #hypoplasticleftheartsyndrome #HalfAHeart #loveHim Clean baby in a

Self Defense, Dino Baby and Weird Mom…. Moments We Want To Remember Read More »

Cellphone case with pepper spray or Stun Gun built in, or individual Stun Guns, alarms and self defense protection devices

No matter how big and tough you may be having self defence protection is one of the most important tools to bring with you wherever you go and at home. We have all read or heard the stories, it can happen in your car, at the mall, the grocery store and even at your own

Cellphone case with pepper spray or Stun Gun built in, or individual Stun Guns, alarms and self defense protection devices Read More »