Question: What’s an RSS feed, how does it work? where does it show up? and why would I need it?
Answer: I have to admit I am not the best person to answer all the computer questions. Yes I am thrifty, but when it comes to computers I am not so skilled. But to try to answer your question, on the right top side bar of my blog you see a button that says subscribe. It says Enter your email address to get our RSS Feed from A Thrifty Mom, on the top. When you sign up for this you will get a daily email with the latest 8 posts I have done. This just helps you stay up to date with the latest thrifty deals on my site.
You can also choose to have your RSS feed delivered instantly to a reader platform of your choice (My Yahoo, Bloglines, and Google Reader) this will update instantly. So you can pick your favorite sites and as they update they will all appear instantly on your reader. This allows you view multiple blogs without having to actually open the blog.
In the past when we have had issues with our server, over half our readers could no longer view our site. But those who subscribed at least got the daily emails, and we were able to keep in touch till the issues where fixed. So if you just have our site saved on your computer, and you enjoy our site you may want to go ahead and subscribe to make sure you will always be able to keep in touch. Hope this helps
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