Spicy Cucumber Salad with Ginger & Manuka Honey Dressing

Spicy Cucumber Salad with Ginger and Manuka Honey Dressing, Healthy Side dishes, Manuka Honey from New Zealand

Spicy Cucumber Salad with Ginger & Manuka Honey Dressing

If you are looking for a light and refreshing side cucumber salad with a little bit of kick, you are going to love this Spicy Cucumber Salad with Ginger & Manuka Honey Dressing.  Pacific Resources International sent me this box of fun products to try and I created this salad from a few of the items they sent me!

You will need  (serves 4 sides):

  • 3 1/3 cups English cucumbers sliced thin
  • 1 yellow mini pepper (or 1/4 cup yellow bell pepper)
  • 1 red mini pepper (or 1/4 cup red bell pepper)
  • 1/4 cup red onion

Cut these in thin slices, set aside as you make the dressing.

Dressing you will need:

  • 1/8 teaspoon ground fresh ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon Sriracha or hot sauce
  • 1 tablespoon grape seed oil
  • 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
  • 1 1/4 Manuka honey (warmed slightly to thin)
  • 1/3 teaspoon PRI Gourmet Flaky Sea Salt

Whisk together and pour over cucumber salad. Cover and let marinate  for 30 minutes before serving.



Watch our LIVE Facebook video 


Spicy Cucumber Salad with Ginger and Manuka Honey Dressing, Healthy Side dishes, Manuka Honey from New Zealand

Discloser sponsored post, all opinions are my own! 

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67 thoughts on “Spicy Cucumber Salad with Ginger & Manuka Honey Dressing”

  1. Vickie Virt

    I love ginger based dressing thanks to Benihana! A brand came highly recommendEd..expensive and I hated it will try you recipe for sure. I would love to win ..thanks!

  2. Debbie Howard

    I didn’t get to tune in during the live video so I’m watching it now. The honey is great! Funny kids!!

  3. Natasha Tupman

    I tuned in but you were at the half way mark. We have manuka honey here in UK but only really used in a drink or on toast. Also quite pricey, how much is it for a jar over there? Just watched the whole of your video and the salad looks very yummy U0001f60bU0001f60a

  4. A Thrifty Mom

    BLAHAHAAHAA we are cracking up, at the 14 minute mark when I talk about my kitchen and my daughter eats a chip, it lands on her sisters shirt and she just picks it up and eats it.

  5. Jennifer Booth

    My 9 year old is currently addicted to jicama, since you asked if anyone’s kids like veggies

  6. PhilliMo Phillips

    The shampoo and conditioner that I use contains manuka honey by Shea moisture it makes my hair soft

  7. Bobbi Sue Hiber

    Lecithin is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues, which are amphiphilic – they attract both water (and so are hydrophilic) and fatty substances (lipophilic), and are used for smoothing food textures, dissolving powders (emulsifiers), homogenizing liquid mixtures, and repelling sticking materials.

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