Search Results for: mommy moments

Mommy Moments- You need to share the Mayo with your sister

What is a  Mommy Moment, click here It is only natural that my children will fight  some days… but what is a surprise is WHAT they decided to fight about.  Last week I was busy in the kitchen making Cilantro Ranch for our Shredded Pork Tacos.  Mayleeya was up on the counter helping me and my other daughter was coloring

Mommy Moments- You need to share the Mayo with your sister Read More »

Mommy Moments- Daddy is finally back from the 50 mile hike

What is a  Mommy Moment, click here They are back… happy to Say they made it home in one piece although a little smelly, sunburned, mosquito bitten and needing  to shave.  They had a great time! Matt and Paulin left bright and early Monday morning for a 50 mile hike with the boy scouts from our church.  Which left

Mommy Moments- Daddy is finally back from the 50 mile hike Read More »

Mommy moments

What is a  Mommy Moment, click here Maveric was holding up his end of the “house hold cleaning” this week, and he acted as a human vacuum.  Cleaning up everything his older brother and sisters leave on the floor.  I found him hiding under the kitchen table chomping on a yummy cheesy Cheeto.  He had a big boy grip on it and

Mommy moments Read More »